Mark Whitby

Bali, Indonesia

Short Version: Internet Whisperer - I love my technology, do fun internet stuff, travel and.... is food a sport?


Oct 27 at 07:04 AM

Gift Cards.... are they ready yet?
I wanted to drop a surprise to someone to be able to join... sad face 😪 it didn't work....


Oct 27 at 06:20 AM

I tried to add a decent "Bio" for my profile.... curated a nice new relevant update and.... Boom - ERROR - 140charactor Max!!

OMG a SMS or Twitter sized blurb.... sheesh ancient history relived!
Eventually crafted a nuanced one that did fit.... however, Marielou Mandl could we look at increasing that?

While you are at it, the socials (with S) only allows one link...



Oct 04 at 07:46 AM

Finally got around to downloading the app, yes it was just procrastination or perhaps a little overwhelmed with so many tasks right now, however it's done! So a small tweak changing email address to get notifications now that that works it's all good and app plus email is working… Ready for all the new notifications and updates as they arrive