Caleb Dempsey (They/Them)

Charlotte, NC, United States

Gemini bimbo who loves coffee, laughing, and silly little memes. I send a seriously unserious newsletter every week (linked above).

Feb 07 at 08:03 AM

Where are Kathy Hester and Cheryl Purser compared to you? Let's do something when they get back from their next big trip!


Feb 05 at 07:05 PM

This video was so fun Fern! Great job :)


Feb 05 at 08:08 AM

Oh this is SOOOO fun!

Feb 02 at 08:30 PM

The comments explained it but I am choosing to believe in magic of course.


Feb 02 at 12:29 PM


Excited to be here! Enjoy this fun TikTok I saved to send to my partner :-)



Feb 02 at 12:22 PM

Hi everyone!
My name is Caleb (they/them), and I am super excited to be here.

Last year I finally caved to creating content with a caveat that I would only do it if I could be consistent. 6 months of consistent newsletters later and I am ready to tackle consistently creating video. I am excited to be here, and can’t wait to learn from everyone and get some extra accountability to turn the damn camera on and have fun. One of my biggest concerns as I dive into video more is that I will become driven by monetization. As someone with a tendency to chase entrepreneurship, I am looking to keep this fun and passion filled, and money is the easiest way for me to burn out on the fun and passion filled part.

Professionally, I work full time in tech as a Lifecycle Marketing Manager. So, I am excited to use this as an outlet to create and connect with silly people like me. If you know where I work, please don’t bring it up in this space <3. I am working on developing a richer personal life with better work boundaries this year.

P.S. This is a photo of my cat Bug :-)